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Lights Jerky UFO

My children were another aspect of what inspired us to start the jerky business. The inspiration was found in the fact that we thought it would be a great way for our family to learn together. Of course ,we don’t abandon or substitute good parenting practices with a CEO mindset to manage our children, but we do include them in decisions that we make about the business. There is an empowerment quality in including them along the way. From their perspective and in the future, there shouldn’t be summers without a job and Christmas breaks with nothing to do. No more statements like “I’m bored, there is nothing to do”.

Business ownership as you may or may not know requires an array of skills. From self management skills to leadership and interpersonal communication skills. I’m talking about basic emotional intelligence (EI). We thought, “what a great way to teach the kids basic EI- business ownership and practical parenting”.

Another aspect of the dream was to have the business support my children’s dreams beyond high school, whether it be college, business startup or both. In either case, they would be involved along the way. Empowerment to earn and to own their educational pursuits was the model that we sat out to develop. My beautiful kids are in middle school at the present, but already have achieved a basic understanding of “accountability” as it applies to school work, business ownership and self. So much more to learn, but the idea is already more of a success than I could imagine. Onward we go…

“Compassion begets Integrity” was a comment I made in a previous blog post titled Integrity. Compassion, altruism and empathy are examples of what motivates or inspires styles of communication or what we call “interpersonal communication” between people. I think this is best described in what I call “bipolar communication”.

On the extreme end of the pole lies the communication style known as aggression. Aggression is a communication style that completely disregards and disrespects the other person. Truth is almost always absent in this form of communication. It is a style that is driven with the mindset of SELF. ME, ME, ME, & no one else matters. It is egoic in nature and requires no empathetic value.

At the opposite end of the pole lies the communication style of deference. Deference (Low & Nelson), is a communication style that is in essence, non communication. The person deflects, avoids, and “defers” from any interactions that promotes self, and promotion of ideas is given up to others in all situations. This style serves to disrespect the self and is always self-denying.

An overload of empathy value coupled with hindered self esteem are typically the reasons for deference and the person is regularly viewed as a ” martyr”. Again truth is typically disregarded. In the middle of the spectrum is assertion.

Assertion is a communication style that allows for a balance of respect for others, while allowing for respect of self. It demonstrates a balance of empathetic value, positive regard for others and positive regard for self. This style seeks and examines the truth in almost all cases. So from this we can see that communication between people whether it be verbal, physical, or that of written expression is chiefly inspired by empathy. T

herefore, when we are defining integrity as a value that has to do with positive outcomes, then assertion is the best means of a producing such an effect. And with this then we can state that Empathy, compassion, and truth , are what chiefly fuels this communication style between people. I guess it can be stated this way – “integrity is a vicarious effect of balanced empathy, compassion and truth.”

Below is an email that we received. Published with Capt. Garcia’s consent.

I’m a C-130 Pilot in the Air Force currently stationed in Iraq and a fellow Texan as well. Gig’em Aggies!!! We were flying here around Iraq last night when my Navigator got some jerky in the mail. He let us try some, and 2 hours later, all 5 bags he had were gone. I was so impressed that I just purchased 5 more lbs and can’t wait til it arrives. Just wanted to let you know that I really enjoyed your Jerky and can’t wait to try all the flavors. Keep up the good work!!

Manuel Garcia, CAPT, USAF

We appreciated the comment and reciprocated by sending the good Captain samples of our new product that has not yet been released. This product is referred to as “Machaca” and is a very versatile ground jerky. It can be put in soups, salads, burritos or just about anything you want. It will likely spice up any MRE’s the armed forces has to offer. Thank you Captain Garcia and thank you to all the men in uniform.



Lights Jerky Brown Cow
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